The Science

Source: By Brett J. Weiss Age-related eye disorders, such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal detachment, often lead to severe visual impairment and irreversible vision loss. These disorders all feature degraded photoreceptors, the light-responsive cells in the eye,...
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Source: By Brett J. Weiss Highlights NMN treatment restores damaged cell cleanup processes to prevent aged, non-proliferating cell buildup following cigarette smoke exposure. Alleviating the buildup of these cells may prevent the progression of the fatal condition pulmonary fibrosis. We...
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Together with exercise training, NMN supplementation increases the endurance performance of middle-aged athletes by improving aerobic capacity. Source: By Brett J. Weiss Highlights In middle-aged runners, supplementing 600 to 1200 mg/day of NMN for six weeks improves muscle oxygen absorption...
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In recent years, cell senescence has fallen into the biomedical limelight, with these ‘zombie cells’ serving up a rich source of opportunities for innovative therapeutic development in aging and age-related diseases. Source: By Jonathan D. Grinstein, Ph.D. Life expectancy has...
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المصدر: ما جرعات NMN التي تم استخدامها في الدراسات البشرية؟ أجرى فريق بحثي من اليابان دراسة سريرية بشرية لاختبار سلامة الجرعات الفموية من NMN حتى 500 مجم ولم يجد أي تغييرات في القياسات الفسيولوجية مثل معدل ضربات القلب أو ضغط...
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